° 1967, Genk - België
Education: afdeling grafiek van het Provinciaal Hoger Instituut voor
Kunstonderwijs te Hasselt (1991)
Award Hassotel-prijs voor grafiek, Hasselt (1991)
Group show laureaten Hoger Kunstonderwijs, Kortrijk (1991)
Dubbelexpo Driesen – Deluca, De Velinx, Tongeren (2000)
Painting award 1ste laureaat, Boechout (2001)
Dubbelexpo Driesen – Deluca, Kunstencentrum België, Hasselt (2001) |
In 1991, Antonietta Deluca graduated magna cum laude from the Higher Institute of Arts in Hasselt. She was awarded the Hassotel award for graphic design and was first laureate for the Boechout prize of painting.
Her work has been shown in numerous solo and group shows, several times alongside artist Stef Driesen.
Lately, her concern for nature and painting has materialized in the execution decorative paintings both in Belgium and abroad. Antonietta's oil paintings concentrate on roses and peonies, while her wall paitings cover a wide range of flowers and birds. She mainly uses oil painting on canvas, but relies on acrylics or on oil painting for walls. Her work bears witness of a great craftsmanship and are all unique pieces. Her decorative paintings are currently shown at the House of Porters showroom in Antwerp, while most of her paintings on walls and furniture, based on a wide variety of techniques, have been executed for Autvas & Cuyvers.
Antonietta also accepts to paint on order in compliance with her clients'wishes.